My heart goes out to you. Please let me know if you find anything else out and I will keep you in mind if I do. I am going to order the sinupulse advanced sinus irrigation system on sale on amazon for $80 and see if it works. I have been alone and isolated for a long time because of my other health problems and this is a huge one I must tackle if I want to feel comfortable in public again. I wish you all the best. I'm sure you have tried a tongue scrubber, and if your problem is internal, it may not help, but it has given me a bit of relief.
Also, my brother who suffers from a whole spectrum of the maladies discussed on this site has started using a sort of concoction in the morning thats supposed to help with candida overgrowth. It's a glass of real lemon juice with a table spoon of baking soda. A dermatologist, who left medicine to do whole healing told us about it.