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I live in the southwest for the past 8 years. I grew up on the gulf coast, swimming in the mighty waters of Monsanto-land since I was a child.

What I’ve always called ”Blue Aliens” have been coming out of my nose for as long as I can remember. I only discovered Morgellons in Mid December 2012 because my older brother is convinced he has parasites and began to teach me about candida, demodex, etc. I was skeptical because I have had all of these things for a long time and just thought it was a part of life......BOY WAS I WRONG! I’m a newbie, so any advice is very welcome. Hope you all find your peace and wellness soon! 
My Favorite Forums
conspiracy, parasites, morgellons, hulda clark, zappers, rife, FIR technology, bowel cleansing, paleo diets, celiac, gluten free 

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