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Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter
redirish Views: 5,220
Published: 13 y
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Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter

Hi Grizz,
Interesting Doctor Visit
This appointment was a lot different than other. I did not get a lecture when I asked about Iodine, and I was not told I needed surgery asp., He also gave me reading material.
He actually asked, and suggested the ROOT of the problem. One possibility is Dysbiosis, SBi, with food allergies and food sensitivities . He suggested I have a tests for the sensitivity/allergies.Thetest is expensive. I told him about the paleo diet, and I don’t think he was aware of this diet, but I explained the basics. He stated I could remove the allergen foods as well. On the follow up we would discuss the SBI more. He will be running other tests as well for the adrenals and hormones, full thyroid testing.
He also agreed to monitor my Iodine usage for my Thyroid. I am out of town this weekend, when I get back I plan on starting on the Iodine protocol first, I am a little scared due to my goiter but I will make sure I have understood everything so I can do the
I know I need to start the protocol soon because I am on the methimazole, a half of the smallest dosage they have and my TSH is getting lower and I feel hyper symptoms. Had to take magnesium today at the office to sit still. Tepature was 96 again this morning.
Any insight or opinions would be appreciated


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