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Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter
grizz Views: 5,515
Published: 13 y
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Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter

A new Success Story just came in. List owner wishes to be anonymous.
"Yesterday was a big day for me - I got the results of my latest ultrasound of goiter and nodules.

The results - drum roll - are a 60% reduction in the size of my goiter since a year ago!

I have been on the Iodine protocol for 16 months. Three months into it, Sept 2011, my goiter had the largest dimensions ever @ 7.75 cm - that's over 3". I told the surgeon I was taking Iodine and he said he thought "It's not working".

This year he looked surprised when I said I'm on no thyroid hormone to reduce the goiter, but taking iodine. He said, "Can't argue with success - keep doing what you're doing."

I have to qualify this - it wasn't just iodine. I started Iodine in 2004 when I first got the goiter, as kelp, 10 pills / day and SP Prolamine Iodine @ 3 mg / day. Both of these sources supply iodiNe, but not iodiDe, as does Lugol's. I later learned that Iodide was the form used by the thyroid.

My goiter continued to grow, measuring 7.1 cm in 2007, then 7.75 cm in 2011. That's the largest goiter I've seen anyone post about here, and still have their thyroid. Of course they're more than willing to take it out, but since the biopsy was negative and it really caused me no discomfort, I just lived with it.

What really made the difference with this iodine protocol was first using Lugol's so my thyroid was getting iodide. Next, the addition of a selenium supplement to help protect the thyroid. And finally, using NAC and whey protein to rebuild glutathione probably also helped. My guess is that my goiter was caused by damage from excess H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) from the oxidation of iodide. The selenium and raising glutathione are both protective in this case.

Whatever happened, it's good, and I intend to keep my thyroid. I still have a goiter, but it's SO much smaller. Maybe in a year, it'll be gone.

There was also a small nodule in the other lobe and it was smaller, too.

All in all, really good news. K-"



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