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Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter
grizz Views: 5,285
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Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter


I think you will enjoy this testimonial by Mom5Booklover: She is a PosterChild for iodine:
From Testimonials in IodineReferences:

"I've decided to make up a quart of Lugols when I run out from one of those recipes.

Some things I use Lugol's for:
1) To get rid of me and my daughter's goiter's (from grave's disease) If we miss just one dose you can see my daughters grow within hours.
2) Got rid of my daughter's "questionable" raised mole. Dermatologist was amazed
3) Put a drop in my neti pot to completely knock out a sinus infection.
4) Put in cat and dogs water to get rid of worms and other parasites
5) Clear up bladder infection on friends(my family hasn't gotten any since we started using lugols)
6) Put a drop in about a 1/4 cup of water and using a dropper to put in cat and dogs ears gets rid of mites.
7) Clears up zits in just a day or two.
8) If you put a few drops in lentils and beans while soaking after cooked(for non-primal family and friends) it makes them non-gas causing
9) Gets rid of pink eye (same as ear mite remedy).
10) Lowered my hubby's blood pressure so that he is no longer taking blood pressure meds.
11) Got rid of hubby's gout.
12) Helped regulate my hormones and got rid of irregular cycle, cystic breasts, and pcos.
13) Helped rid myself of yeast overload.
14) Assisted me in my Flouride detoxing.

I will keep Lugol's around for the rest of my life and continue to use for whatever comes up in our families lives. It has been a huge life savor. My daughter and I (with Graves disease) have both been able to stay off prescription anti thyroid drugs and have completely normalized our thyroids with help from Lugol's and iodoral (among other supplements). It is worth the money simply because you will not have to go to the doctor as much or at all in most cases.

JDW had an amazing story (many more messages posted in Testimonials):
"I'm just a lurker and I'm not Dr. Kruse but I do/have used A LOT of Iodine and have done a lot of research on it. I don't think the patch test is very reliable for whole body sufficiency. Here is a link about that:The bioavailability of Iodine applied to the skin

I take well over 100MG of Iodine a day. I take 100MG of iodoral and 30MG of Lugols and I'm still ramping up. The thinking there is that the Lugols will work in the stomach and the iodoral passes through to the intestines from a direct contact perspective. I detoxed HARD but I shrunk my thyroid nodules by at least 90% within two weeks (well, my goiter shrunk by 90%, haven't ultrasounded the nodules). It also made my hemorrhoids disappear! I LOVE the stuff. I also don't think you can really take too much because what isn't used is just secreted in the urine. Now, is that good long term, probably not BUT I wouldn't think 50MG would put you anywhere near that level anyway. Plus I take the companion nutrients and lots of SALT! It has made a world of difference for me although I have light years to go in order to be optimal. Iodine was simply the first step.

Here is a great pdf from the iodine group
The Guide to Supplementing with Iodine PDF


Recap in more detail:
Well, amazingly, within a few weeks my thyroid swelled up like a balloon... seriously. I was freaking out and almost stopped but I just knew if it was swelling like that, something was happening. I pressed on and not only did the swelling leave... SO DID THE GOITER!! Now, I have not gone and had a repeat ultrasound but you could easily see the goiter before and now my neck looks normal. I know eventually I need to go back to the doc to have it evaluated but to be honest, I'm so done giving them money while they stay in their tight little box of thought and look at ME like I'm crazy! Sigh.

TMI, but my hemorrhoids from my twin pregnancy also disappeared! I have no idea about the endometriosis other than my last couple of cycles have been less painful... yay.

I wouldn't recommend others doing what I do... I just want people to know that I didn't die with my approach. Temperance isn't my strong suit!

Both stories were very inspirational to our group,


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