Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter
Chronic sinus infections could be candida over bacterial: in many cases they are. My decades long chronic sinus issues were something I didn't understand until recently to be major signs of what was going on. Here's what you are probably going through: you take an
Antibiotic for a sinus infection, you feel better and a week or two after discontinuing that cycle of abxs the infection comes back - rinse and repeat? The reason could very well be because the infection isn't bacterial and abx won't kill yeast. Abx's will, however, create favorable conditions for candida/yeast to proliferate by killing off the good flora in your GI - dysbiosis.
Once candida turns fungal causing leaky gut while exiting the GI tract all sorts of histamine issues develop: including sinus issues and food "allergy" symptoms since the intestinal pores allow large molecule food particles to enter the blood stream which the body mounts an immune response to perceived invaders. Leaky gut is horrible since the body goes into an immune response to everything one eats. This drains already strained adrenals/thyroids creating vicious negative feedback loops.
Suggest considering checking out candida since it seems to be intertwined with your hypoT/goiter: which came first scenario of tail chasing but, defo intertwined. Also, you might consider trying GOOD probiotics to help re-establish your GI flora and eat a lot of kifer/yogurt.
Iodine supplementation is built into just about all candida diet/treatments through pushing sea kelp, Vit C, trace minerals,
Sea Salt , etc...though, at levels far lower than this
Iodine supplementation suggests. The key for me was the selenium which has helped
Iodine tolerance. I got immediate horrible symptoms when first using
Iodine without realizing the importance of the co-factors. Now, I can take much more as gradually increasing daily dosage without any perceived side effects.
Have you considered getting your thyroid and adrenal hormones checked for firm diagnostics? There is also a candida antigen blood test to show what's going on internally beyond the GI tract.
Wishing you nothing but, healing graces along your journey.