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Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter
grizz Views: 5,043
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Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter

>>>Already irritated with the medical field for the Antibiotics , misdiagnosis, & side effects. They don’t see that my sinus problems are related in any way to my Thyroid problems. They claim they have never seen this.
"disorders associated with hypothyroidism include headaches, migraines, sinus infections, post-nasal drip,+ much more:

Doctors have become little more than drug salesmen. They look up "Sinus" in their drug catalog for something to prescribe. IMO, they are not allowed to think for themselves or they become subjects for lawsuits & lose their license. They MUST follow the standard (profitable) "Course of Treatment."

>>>I am also hoping to get relief for my eyes being so dry. At night I wake up every few hours to put in drops, so I am not getting sleep.
* Skin: 20% of Iodine is stored in the skin. Most in the sweat glands. If you don’t have enough iodine, you get dry skin.
* Digestion: Iodine is concentrated in the stomach. When you don’t have enough, you develop a condition that feels like you have too much stomach acid. But it’s just the opposite… you don’t have enough. If it goes on long enough, it can develop into stomach cancer.
* Eyes: Tear glands in your eyes contain large amounts of iodine. Lack of Iodine can cause dry eyes.
* Mouth: Salivary glands in your mouth contain large amounts of iodine. Lack of iodine can cause dry mouth.

>>> I did tell one doctor about the iodine. He looked at me like I was crazy, & stated whoever told me that was dangerous.
Of course he said that. He wants you coming back for "Treatments" for the rest of your life. Iodine CURES conditions and will cut off his revenue. Curing is NOT ALLOWED.

>>>"I am tired of being sick, but afraid of iodine by myself. Looked through the list of doctors who may work with iodine and did not see a doctor in the Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter area in Florida.
All of us here at the Curezone are taking iodine daily. Over the first 6 months of 2012, I slowly titrated up to 100mg iodoral daily from 1/2mg, am now on the 50mg daily for life as per Dr. Brownstein's instructions. We have a group of brilliant doctors leading us. Physicians Guy Abraham, MD, David Brownstein, MD, and Jorge Flechas, MD, have treated more than 4,000 patients with iodine supplementation. We are not a fringe group of Wackos. We have the very best of doctors leading our way with their independent research. Their reports are available here:

You are afraid because of Iodophobia propaganda being spread by the drug companies. They can lose 500 Billions in drug sales if everyone in the USA started taking their required iodine. Iodine IS required by every cell in your body! I should add that iodine has cured my own prostate problems, I can now piss like a race horse. Also cured my sexua| problems & hypothyroid.

>>>Thank you again for helping me. I am not a quitter but I just want to be careful. I also don’t care if the doctors agree with me; they are for emergencies, testing, monitoring. I told them from day 1 I do not want my thyroid taken out, but they only give two options RAI, or removal.
Of course they give you those very expensive options. That is where the BIG money is. IMO, that is the "Standard Course Of Treatment" which must be followed or else lose their license. If it were me, I would save their "Treatment" as a LAST RESORT if iodine failed to do its miracle. I recently had to give up on my alternative courses of treatments for my Asthma and let a doctor prescribe drugs for me. My doc gave me the "Standard Course of Treatment for Asthma" which was steroids for 1 week with inhalers. Sometimes doctors & their drugs are the only way. A group of us are attempting to find alternatives to drugs for Asthma to no avail so far.
If you smoke, stop immediately. Take good care of your lungs.

>>>I also try to keep my sense of humor; during the last year going to the doctors very sick & older men have told me either they love my red hair, or I remind them of their first girlfriend or wife J
Hee Hee, too bad the women aren't telling you how they LOVE your red hair. I'll bet they get hot just looking, but are afraid to speak up.

PS) I forgot to mention that you can also get iodine into your thyroid by painting Lugols Iodine on your neck. Mix a little olive oil with it in the palm of your hand to avoid dermatitis, then apply directly over the thyroid. You can also get enough iodine into your body by eating seafoods & seaweeds 7 days a week, your basic Japanese Diet. Unfortunately seafoods and seaweeds are typically contaminated by mercury & other pollution and are not recommended by Dr. Brownstein.

Best to you,



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