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Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter
redirish Views: 5,061
Published: 13 y
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Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter

Thank You Grizz for the Information. I will look over, and I have sent a request to the Yahoo Group .

 I also have dizziness, and  a pain behind my left sholder, and my left fingers hurt when I am hyper. I have deen on  Methimazole for about a year.

I also should mention that I now also have a problem with extreme dry eye. I went to an eye specialist, he did not feel it was Graves Eyes disease. I have not found any relief yet. I have had some horrible stomach problems that have passed . I have been taking  l-glutamine.

I also had tooth problems, when I have not had a cavity as a adult. These sinus and tooth infections to me then led to the hyperthyroid, but none of the doctors listen about this. They have had me on antibiotics off and on for two years.

I appreciate any input. Are you a volunteer . I just came acrross this website last night




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