Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter
Acid reflux is caused by
Iodine deficiency.
Several human organs need
Iodine but can not absorb it until blood
Iodine levels reach high values (stomach, salivary glands). Most persons exhibit impaired production of stomach acid as they age. This impaired capability to produce adequate stomach acid may be a result of iodine deficiency as iodine promotes stomach acidity.
A lack of Iodine can cause of Low Stomach Acid (Acid Reflux), causing 150 Million people to take Acid Reflux Medication or antacids and costing Taxpayers some $30
Billion Dollars a year plus another $100 Billion in additional sick Care cost since Acid Reflux medication
blocks the absorption of vital nutrients.
How much do you weigh & how tall are you?
Sleep Apnea is typically caused by people being overweight.
Of course, all roads with an aleopathic doctor lead to drugs or surgery, or both.
Ponaris for the nose includes iodine, and that is why it is so effective.
You might try looking for a NaturoPathic doctor in your yellow pages. Naturopath doctors usually support iodine.
List of Naturopath Doctors in Florida:
You can pinpoint your condition once & for all by taking a test to measure just how iodine deficient you are. Do the iodine/fluoride/bromide test:
Be careful or you could end up with a dozen or more drugs which is exactly what aleopath doctors do - they are drug pushers for Big Pharma. Each new drug drags down our health with side effects, then more drugs needed for the side effects, and it is a slippery slope into a bad health nightmare. Just my opinion. Far better to take required vitamins, minerals and a healthy Paleo diet with plenty of exercise than to make your doctor & drug company rich.
Hope this helps,