My pain got worse when taking aspirin for back pain. Does this mean that fatty liver couldn't have been going on at the same time? On this forum you will find people that think every little reaction is a sensitivity or an allergy, or in my case looking at the liver as the root cause to the cover all of your bases. Increasing fat to heal sounds absurd from a lot of traditional practices. If you don't want to take my word for it about fat deposits causing these symptoms, at least don't join the coconut oil hypothyroid and hair loss army. They are always posting the strangest symptoms and fail to connect the dots. The posts are all the same...I drink this coconut oil to kill my candida and now i'm shi++ing blood and impotent. Should I try some more antiur fungals? I don't have fatty liver despite drinking oil all day. Why not just go to mcdonalds and order 5 orders of fries. Your system will be just as messed up but at least you get some fast food enjoyment from it.
Seriously i get so much hate from SICK people that swallow oils. I don't have fatty liver!!! I just completely turned my food pyramid upside down to heal.