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Re: Digestive issues after eating. Tried all alternative solutions.

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Re: Digestive issues after eating. Tried all alternative solutions.

there is a lot of controversy about testing methods, so your stool test may or may not have been accurate. sometimes you have to use both symptoms and testing to get down to the root of the problem.

i'm not sure if the reflux you experienced on the betaine means you reached your maximum dose. it was explained to me that a slight burning was the indicator. you should look into that because you still may not have reached your proper dose.

also, some people do not experience die off with the manuka, it could still have been working but you didn't stick with it long enough. you would probably need at least a month to give it a proper test.

you should probably get an endoscopy to be safe that there is nothing seriously wrong like cancer and maybe get the heidelberg? stomach acid test as long as you're at it.

if you get gas from drinking water then it is likely the problem is in your stomach/esophagus.

usually reflux means that you have too little stomach acid. if your reflux that occurred on the high dose of betaine was not extremely acid tasting then it may have been a positive bump in the road to healing, but i honestly don't know enough about this to be sure, so double check with a natural pracitioner that really understands hcl acid dosing. i could see it both ways, either that you were very close to making progress and the reflux was just some sort of die-off, or that you were taking too much and the reflux was genuinely from being too acidic.

i think two other things to look into would be food grade hydrogen peroxide and Lugol's iodine. both have very strong broad spectrum action on pathogens. and the stomach is the first stop on the digestive tract so it's relatively easy to target.

if you didn't feel anything from the apple cider vinegar then i would keep up with that and raise the dose slowly until you feel something. if you are off the charts low in stomach acid then you will need a really high dose of one of these things in order to correct it. and it would explain why you don't feel better from the normal things taken to correct them because you aren't taking high enough doses. usually people feel better/worse or at least something from taking apple cider vinegar.

another thing to look into is gall bladder problems/congestion. this can mimic a lot of stomach problems as the gall bladder is the next step in digestion right after the stomach. bloating and gas are one of the symptoms of gallstones/congestion. it fits in with the extreme bloating. if your problem was isolated to just the stomach you wouldn't experience the bloating over your entire abdomen.

perhaps a few Liver Flushes would be in order, but first try to do the testing like endoscopy and maybe liver function, ultrasound to rule out serious problems.


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