Re: Digestive issues after eating. Tried all alternative solutions.
May I ask, how is your diet these days?
If you find that reducing the size of your meals helps, this is perhaps something to pursue. Try to eat your main meal for lunch and a light meal in the early evening (around 6pm-7pm) for dinner. Try to avoid going to bed on a full stomach as this may reduce the effectiveness of your body's cleansing/regeneration during sleep.
Before meals, I believe it's also important that you're hungry (of course), but also relaxed and calm. Eat in a comfortable place, away from the burdens and stresses of your day to day life. For example, I have an 8am-5pm office job, but eat my lunch at a quiet spot outside instead of at my desk (distracted by emails). Again, before eating focus your attention on the food you are about to consume - be thankful to those who helped to prepare the food and grow the ingredients. Truly enjoy the flavours and textures of each mouthful, feel the foods nutrients doing your body good. When you start to feel full, ask your body whether you wish to continue, or whether you'd like to eat a little more. And when you eventually finish, once again be thankful to those who helped contribute to the meal.
Good luck!