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Re: Digestive issues after eating. Tried all alternative solutions.
problemS Views: 5,159
Published: 13 y
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Re: Digestive issues after eating. Tried all alternative solutions.

I have done a parastive cleanse which was raw garlic, woodworm, Black-Walnut , and cloves. This didn't do much. I saw two things that could have been worms and a couple of liver flukes but that is it in a month+.

I did bowl cleanse before which had pysillium husk, and clay etc and if anything it made things slightly worse like you seemed to mention.

I have given myself enema's twice a day for a period of over two weeks and that didn't change things.

I also do not experience die off from things that should cause bacterial dieoff (coconut oil, oil of oregano, zero carb, etc).


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