well to be honest, I have had pretty messed up teeth since I was younger. They were always pretty straight and white but all teeth from the k-9s back had started rotting years ago. I had caps as a child and fillings as a teen and adult. I don't have any root canals. I almost got one but read up on them and got scared. I just had them pull it and told myself I'd get a partial down the road so that i could smile with all myteeth again. You cannot tell by looking at me that I have bad teeth and I don't stink! lol, I don't want you to get the wrong impression. I just feel like no matter how hard I have tried to keep my teeth healthy, they wouldn't keep up. Now I realize that fluoride was prob a kiler as well as a diet my parents should not have been proud about. I eat so much better as an adult but my teeth were prob shot way before that.