Re: New here - My (lengthy)story
Wow! Thank you both so much for answering...and so quickly! Ihave to say, as much as I have learned on he yahoo
Iodine group, they are not as respsonsive and some are almost mean...but maybe that is just a newbies opinion.
I did forget to mention the supplements I have taken for a couple of years now:
Vitamin E
a potent B-Complex
Psyllium Husk
K-Pax (immune system)
A multi in case I ever missed something important
Fish Oil
Recently added for protocol:
Milk Thistle
Cod Liver Oil
I have also been drinking lots of lemon juice in my water for liver purposes and drinking the salt water, sometimes a lot of salt, but usually a little in my water all day long as I read somehwere here that it is teh thing to do, especially drinking distilled water that is lacking in minerals.
I will def have to look into Boron. And I am in need of purging lots of commercial products, ranging from toothpaste to hairspray. I'm done being sick! I am beating this thing! YAY!
Btw, hypo runs rampant thru my mom's side to be exact and they are all from (drum roll...ready for it??) Michigan! They have struggled with keeping weight down, they are depressed, many having mental illnesses and now I think I know why.
My father has adult onset diabetes from a fatty liver due to sexually transmitted hepatitis. He went into remission for years but due to a horrible diet and lifestyle choices, it has knocked on his door again...this time bringing the diabetes with it. I think i have convinced him to try iodine! I gave him a couple of drops and all the papers to sart the protocol and heardfrom my younger sister that he stayed up reading about it all night. I would love for him to give it a try.
I am currently on 20-25 drops of
Lugol's Solution (2%). I know that this isn't a lot but I am working my way up. It has only been two weeks since starting so I'm working on it. Not scared at all...just so used to introducing things at a slow but steady pace and it seems like a healthy idea. I believe I was hypo, hell Ibelieve I could have landed in a hypo coma if i didn't do something soon. I fell asleep everywhere, even driving..gained 20
pounds in 2 months doing nothing different and hurt everywhere. I slept 14 hours if not woken. Now I can't sleep longer than 8 to save the life of me! LOVING THAT! I play with my kids again and keep up a clean house and work out aily (not strenuously). I just love tomove and haven't been able to in so long. I was previously pushing myself thru two or three days of weights and cardio a week and feeling like death afterwards!