i have only had my iud for going on two months and i am already experiencing some of the side affects u all r talking about. I have horrible cramping even when im not having my perid, at my six week follow up the doctor pushed on my right side of my stomach and it hurt and that has never happened during a pelvic exam. Im not sure about the hair loss i always shed but maybe I am loosing more hair then normal. The one major thing tho that made me feel differently about this iud is the depression. I loose it so quicky like totally flip out which isnt totally normal and I cry all the time. Im going through a tough situation and im not sure if its the situation or the iud but after reading this i feel its the iud. I want to take it out but 1 im scared about hurting myself and not being able to have children and 2 getting pregnant. I dunno what im going to tell my bf if i get pregnant and he finds out i took out the iud.. please help me ...