Re: Anyone take out their own IUD? Yes!
Of course legally a layperson should never suggest the undertaking of a medical procedure by someone untrained in said medical procedure.
That said I removed my Mirena myself and I never looked back. There was some slight discomfort due to the fact that I really had to reach to get a grip on the damn slippery strings. I pulled gently on them once I got a hold, I moved very slowly, ready to stop once I felt any pain or resistance. After an
inch I felt some resistance but no pain. I proceeded still slowly and steadily. Before I knew it the IUD was out and in my hand.
I had some mild cramps afterward and some bleeding, similar to a regular period, just slightly longer.
When I first had it placed the IUD seemed nice enough, then came the cramps. Horrific cramps comparable to the contractions I experienced during labor with my two children. I am no wimp when it comes to pain and these cramps left me with pain radiating down my thighs to my knees. I would curl up and cry on the couch until they were over. Also, I lost half of my hair 7 months after I had the IUD placed, not fun. I had to serve an eviction notice on that damn infernal device and I researched the removal procedure instructions. They equated to this: (Paraphrased) Grab strings and pull slowly until extracted.
If you have the cojones and the good sense to seek medical assistance if something goes very wrong, remove it yourself.