You forget (or never heard yet) that candidiasis (or aspergillus, a similar and harsher problem which the OP suspects she has) is an immediate issue. It's not the Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome it's painted out to be... It's an OH-FAQ-I-SUDDENLY-CAN'T-BREATHE-TODAY or OwOwOwOWWWWWwhatgivesmygutsHURT issue. See a certain difference?
That whole "terraforming" thing has actually been injected into the group mentality long before you and TheGuru wandered in. It's a disease-specific customized form, what we call the CandidaDiet. And even the hardcore pharma fans like me SUPPORT it already - it's one of the few things we ever agree on.
And, no, Spud doesn't agree with you. If you believe he does, you didn't read his post.