Okay, we did the gastric emptying test yesterday and it was clear...as we expected.
The doctor is convinced that it is a spasm of the gut whenever food goes in (which would explain the pain upon eating one bite of food).
Brother is extremely scared now as we just don't know for sure as there arent any diagnostic tests available for this area. He will have an endoscopy in one week but I am not expecting anything to come out of it! I hope it does but honestly, im not.
This will be the LAST test available and after that, who knows how long he will be willing to hang on with this pain and no further tests available. The
parasite test will also be done next week.
I am going to try and find a good Traditional Chinese Madicine physician and see what they can find. We are also going to a chiro to test vagus nerve reactions and do kinesiology. I pray to god that something starts to work soon.