nkm83...Re: Please help with my brother's very complex and chronic gut illness.
Hello nkm83,
I have been asked to intervene as being of help to your brother and from what I have read from your posts I sincerely believe that I can. I have 30 years experience in Natural Health and have cured my own and very serious health problems.
From the symptoms you have described........
#1. Constipation.
#2. Inflammation.
#3. Chronic Fatigue.
#4. Mental health issues such as Brain fog/memory/anxiety and so on.
#5. Weight loss with coated tongue.
#6. Fullness of the stomach/abdominal area.
#7. Intestinal Dysbiosis and also amino acid mal-absorption.
#8. Headaches.
.............the well intentioned advice in this thread is very good, but no diet or supplement is of any use to the body unless it can be properly utilized and absorbed. This can only occur if the body is receptive to nutrition and there is a demand for nourishment via hunger/appetite: and I mean genuine hunger.
Your brother is not receptive to external nutrition and where this is indicated by a coated tongue and inflammation along with Intestinal dysbiosis and amino acid mal-absorption. Feeding is only adding to his woes.
The real remedy for his ailments is to rest his body and digestive tract completely; this means no external nutrition. This allows the body to rest and restore its functioning powers, whilst simultaneously cleansing his body of accumulated toxins.
This can only be accomplished by undergoing a water-only fast taken according to thirst, and allowing the self-healing powers of the body to do their work.
Absolute rest is vital, and this means complete bed-rest for a minimum of 20 days on water only.
These are just SOME of the benefits of fasting.............
#1. Mental clarity is improved and brain fog is lifted.
#2. Rapid, safe weight loss is achieved without flabbiness.
#3. The nervous system is balanced.
#4. Energy level and sensory perception is increased. The longer the fast, the bigger increase in energy and vitality. You normally need less sleep.
#5. Organs are revitalized
#6. Cellular biochemistry is harmonized.
#7. The skin becomes silky, soft, and sensitive.
#8. There is greater ease of movement.
#9. Breathing becomes fuller, freer and deeper.
#10. The digestive system is rejuvenated and becomes more effective; the peristaltic action of the intestines (the cause of a natural bowel movement) is stronger after fasting.
#11. Fasting retrains your tasting sense back to more healthy food as acute sensitivity is restored.
#12. Fasting can increase confidence in our ability to have control over our lives and our appetite, and that our body is self-regulating and a self-healing organism capable or establishing balance when given the possibility to do so.
#13. Normal metabolic and cell oxygenation are restored.
#14. Detoxification - as soon as the body realizes that it's fasting it will begin to eliminate those things that cause disease, such as fat cells, arterial cholesterol plaques, mucus, tumors, stored up worries and emotions.
If you would like more information please reply and let me know. I would only be too pleased in supervising his fast.