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Re: Please help with my brother's very complex and chronic gut illness.
nkm83 Views: 8,350
Published: 16 y
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Re: Please help with my brother's very complex and chronic gut illness.

The hair mineral analysis didn't show up any issues with heavy metals. None of them were even close to being borderling high, they were all low. He has one small mercury filling but this was put in after his problems started so I don't think that is the cause.

He also did the 3 day parasitology and nothing showed up. It was through a local lab that specialises in parasitology and they also look for b.homminis and d.fragilis. They also look for ova and none were found.

The funny thing about Iodine is that he started on 2 drops of Lugols and after 10 days, the symptoms went crazy, constipation and anxiety and lethargy just sky rocketed! But im not sure if Iodine can do this.

The anti-biotics actually helped with the constipation. The doctor told us that strep overgrowth created constipation issues so the Antibiotics would have presumably killed strep and eased the constipation.

Im guessing it was the probiotics that caused the worsening over the last couple of weeks cos this is the only change he made after completing the anti-biotics. Unless the anti-biotics just gave a "bandage" effect and the original symptoms have returned?


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