Re: Please help with my brother's very complex and chronic gut illness.
Hi Neil,
Although the roaccutane was given 12 years ago, it could have been the catalyst to many of the symptoms that he has now. Of course, as I said, my reply may be a partial solution. Roaccutane does have long term effects and is so dangerous that I do believe that it was recently pulled off the market. The protocol that I described in my first post should help with the anxiety and depression, although it looks like he may also need to detox. Definitely also incorporate the liver cleanse in the above post.
Now, has he had a problem eating for several years, or is this a recent thing, because this is one of roaccutane's side effects. And I really have no idea why his eating would improve while taking the antibiotic.
Nevertheless, the suicidal thoughts concern me and whether drug induced or not, this is something that must be addressed. We want to do all we can to prevent a needless tragedy. My best advice would be to seek a holistic doctor or naturopath to help you with all these issues. I believe your brother needs hands on monitoring.
My Best,