Re: Update
Ok, since you still have NO IDEA what is causing your brother so much pain and problems perhaps some energy work is called for. It will help whatever needs helping. If you go to,
you can read a little about it and order Richard's book. You can also order it on Amazon. It is a very easy healing method to learn. It is as strong as reiki, if not stronger and you don't need to pay hundreds of dollars to be "attuned". You don't even need to go to a QT workshop to learn how to do it.
The technique is very simple and after reading the book and practicing some of the exercises, you'll be able to "run energy".
The technique essentially in a nutshell is this:
Visualize energy (white light or however is easier for you) coming up from the tips of your toes up you legs through your trunk to the top of your head with a good strong inhale and as you exhale visualize the energy running down your shoulders and out your hands.
As you continue to breathe, a 4-4 breath (count to 4 to inhale and 4 to exhale) you will experience some kind of response: your hands will tingle, get hot or cold. There are various other breathing techniques to "ramp" up the energy, you can visualize the energy spinning like a tornado as it comes up your legs and out your hands. If you visualize the energy on the inhale coming out the top of your head to about 3 feet above your head before coming down your shoulders, you'll involve those energy chakras too and that will affect the intensity of the energy.
Place your hands loosely on your brother's abdomen and continue to visualize the energy flowing while you inhale and exhale. If you start to get hot and sweat, you're doing great. Once you feel the energy flowing strongly (he'll feel it too) you can start to breathe a little normally sometimes so you don't hyperventilate and pass out. Return to the 4-4 breath periodically. Send energy to him as long as you can, 30 minutes would be good, 1 hr better. Once you get the book, you'll learn other breath counts including the fire breath that's kinda sounds like a bellows for stoking a fire that will ramp up the energy too.
When you're done running energy, here's a trick that you'll learn in the Supercharging book (I highly recommend you get that one too). Visualize a ace bandage made up entirely of energy. Visualize it to be composed of shimmery copper, silver and gold light "threads". Visualize that light bandage wrapping around his abdomen in several layers. Visualize it wrapping snug, but not too snug. That energy bandage will "contain" the energy you ran and hold it in place longer.
BTW.. if you join the forum on the quantum touch website there is a thread to request healing. Post there and you'll get some folks who'll send distant healing to your brother.