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Re: anyajb12 Re: anyone who has fasted please help! EDIT BY MOD
wow, #89966, i couldn't disagree with you more. a diatribe is defined as "a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something." clearly, anyajb12's posts fall into this category, and thereby do not belong in a SUPPORT forum.
there is a HUGE difference between the negativity of a diatribe and the positivity of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and helpful advice when someone appears to be taking a wrong turn. for example, i used to think that you could drink herbal tea on a water fast. nobody called me an idiot for believing this, nobody had to "burn" me like a hot stove, but they did tell me politely that it was wrong, and they subsequently were able to steer me in the right direction. no diatribe necessary.
maybe you are correct in your statement that sometimes diatribes have their place, like you said, when confronting a rapist or pedophile. BUT since this is NOT a rapist/pedophile forum, and the greatest crime any of us could possibly be guilty of is eating junkfood, then we DO NOT DESERVE to be forcefully and bitterly attacked.
as for your statement that negative feedback is necessary and perhaps even more important than positive feedback... that may be true if we were a bunch of dumb animals incapable of making rational/well-informed decisions about our lifestyles and eating habits. but fortunately we happen to be intelligent human beings, so the "punishment" style advice is neither necessary nor called for, and succeeds only in scaring people away.
p.s. your point about the dangers of positive feedback... that people get obese because of the positive feedback their tongues give them when they eat junkfood... if you were correct about negative feedback being better, then how come the negative feedback of looking at their obese bodies in the mirror doesn't work? or the negative feedback of being unattractive to the opposite sex? i'd say that's some pretty strong negative feedback there, but it certainly doesn't seem to be effective. real change in weight/eating habits happens when a person LOVES THEMSELVES ENOUGH to courageously reach out for help and finally learn how to make some POSITIVE changes by getting advice in forums like this, where they expect and deserve to be treated with kindness and understanding.