Re: Blastocystis H. and Dientamoeba F?
I have had
parasites for 9 months now. I only got one positive stool test in March and it said few blastosis hominis. I have been suffering and itching. My last 3 stool tests came back negative, but this bug is still living inside my rectum. I have been taking some herbs that expel them and then have to bathe in the bath oil from
It is very exensive, but it does relieve my symptoms for a few hours at most. I am wondering if i have scabies or parasites. My drs are very confused because they say
parasites only live inside the intestines/rectum and scabies only live on the outside. I am itching from head to toe, but these guys are microscopic, so one of my dermatologists says i have delusional paritosis. I will call my family dr to get another stool test next week, but am worried that they are just sticking to my skin and not inside the stool. If i get another negative stool test, things look bleak. I want the dermatologist to scrape my skin, but she is hesitant because i don't have a bunch of red bumps. Please help me, i am desperate. signed Rejected