17 y
Re: Blastocystis H. and Dientamoeba F?
Be happy that at least you know what's bothering you. I just successfully cleared myself up of a life time of misery due to E. histolytica. D.fragilis, B.hominis and E.histolytica are all from the same family of amoebae. Therefore they all react to the same medication, more or less.
I wrote extensively about my own conclusions and my own protocol and you can read about that here:
Just make sure you read my follow up posts where I explain how to take medication and so on.
Two biggest issues: metronidazole on it's own won't do much. You have to finish the therapy with Paromomycin. In addition, a lot of B.hominis is resistant to Metronidazole, so you have to combine it with Nitazoxanide and one other
Antibiotic like diloxanide furoate, furoxone, or similar.
The second big issue is your food. You absolutely cannot eat anything that supports protozoa: sugars, sweets, starches, any type of nuts, anything with probiotic bacteria and so on.
Read more about all that in the link I gave. My battle lasted three months, and I am in finishing stages and am feeling 1000 times better then ever. You can too, but it is a matter of strictest reticence. I have eaten only the most basic foods for many months now, and that was the secret of success: kiling them with medication while not letting them feed on anything they need.