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Re: Blastocystis H. and Dientamoeba F?
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Published: 17 y
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Re: Blastocystis H. and Dientamoeba F?

Thanks so much for your info. I'm so thankful. Did you have to get those meds from a doctor? I have not had any luck with doctors. The test I took once came back negative and most won't even do a test because they claim there are no human parasites in the US. One doctor gave me a 3 day subscriiption recently which wasn't enough. But he claimed it would permanently kill all parasites via the blood stream and that was all I needed. I felt a temporary ease but the symptoms returned. Don't think hes willing to give me anything else since he knows my prior test was negative he won't do another but seemed to give me the meds as a pacifier. Just like all the others he claims he doesn't believe parasites are very common if even in existance in the US and says it’s not possible for them of wiggle or move around when frightened by treatments. So I don't know what I could do to get any of those drugs. :(

I also became severely fatague a couple years ago. I thought it might be my thyroid, didn't know what to think.


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