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Re: Blastocystis H. and Dientamoeba F?
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Re: Blastocystis H. and Dientamoeba F?

Hi Smuse,

Finally somewhere some recognition!
I was having luck with my german doctor that he did a TFT test. I think it is in the Netherlands also very very poor with testing for these diseases. I have had a lot of doctors and only one came with the idea to test for these parasites. The other doctors would nearly think you´re mad if you keep pushing them to test for these parasites!
Also they first thought it was pfeiffer (but nearly 80-90% of the adults have the antibodies says wiki). So this took also some months. But I can't blame them for this. I can blame them for having so little knowledge about parasites.

I am also finding something very suspicious here lately, you are the third person, including my self that was taken deathly ill, "1 1/2 year ago". We started out just extrememly tired and fatigued, but only to get worse and worse.

If I eat 'normal' I will become very very ill. Diarrhea and very fatigue. Now I only can eat vegitables, fish and eggs to not get ill. Bread is the worst, sugars let the candida infection grow. I've tried for three months a candida threatment, but I thinks this is the effect and not the cause.

>>You hang in there, you must save your self, and be careful of all the stuff for sale....its no differant than seeing a doctor. Make sure everything you try is labeled and contents are not a big secret. If they wont tell you what it might as well drink dog poo
Thanks for your advice! :) There are indeed a LOT of products that are just BS (or dogjuice ;) in my opinion.

>>I was thinking it was local here, but you are in the Netherlands, so it is the same time frame, but globaly.>>
I've read some forums and it was mentioned in the news that there are a lot of people having fatigue. I think it is maybe a worlwide problem and not only a third world problem.

>>did you notice an extreme decline in this 1 1/2 year ago, time frame?

Before this time frame I was very healthy and was a good swimmer with a good condition. Now it is really terrible, sitting whole day behind the computer or television...
I think it graduately worsened at the beginning. My symptoms now are the same as a year ago. It's a pitty that there is not any improvement.

Where can I read your story? Looks quite simalar.


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