Re: Dr. xxxxxx who injured me with Prolotherapy
It looks like the Mayo Clinic's opinion on prolotherapy has changed since Angela got that negative reaction in 2004:
Prolotherapy: An effective treatment for low back pain?
By Mayo Clinic Staff (Mayo Clinic neurologist Jerry Swanson, M.D., and colleagues)
Apr 29, 2008
"A review of five well-designed studies involving 366 participants concluded that prolotherapy alone was ineffective in treating chronic low back pain. However, when combined with other treatments - such as spinal manipulation and exercise - prolotherapy may improve chronic low back pain.
A typical course of prolotherapy treatment is six to 10 sessions, sometimes with multiple injections at each session. Prolotherapy is known to cause some pain at the injection site, but this is typically mild and temporary."
A Wikipedia entry claims even more strongly positive words re: prolotherapy by a Mayo clinic physician: ((As of April 2005, doctors at the Mayo Clinic began supporting prolotherapy. Robert D. Sheeler, MD (Medical Editor, Mayo Clinic Health letter) first learned of prolotherapy through C. Everett Koop's interest in the treatment. Mayo Clinic doctors list the areas that are most likely to benefit from prolotherapy treatment: ankles, knees, elbows, and sacroiliac joint in the low back. They report that "unlike corticosteroid injections - which may provide temporary relief - prolotherapy involves improving the injected tissue by stimulating tissue growth.")) [Mayo Clinic (2005). "Alternative treatments: Dealing with chronic pain". Mayo Clinic Health Letter 23 (4).]
I don't have access to the latter publication, so I can't verify it, but it is not inconsistent with the Mayo Clinic site.