My understanding (since I am not a Dr.)is that once the cartlidge, tendons, etc. are stretched; they won't go back on their own. You can build more muscle mass in that area, but other than that not much to do (other than the prolo). It is NOT supposed to be like the experience that started this thread, sadly that's just a really bad doctor and all research shows that prolotherapy WILL NOT work unless in conjunction with rehabilitative therapy for those areas at the same time. Taking any type of anti-inflammitory (like motrin) will reduce the effectiveness of the prolotherapy - especially since the purpose of the shot is to inflame the area and pain killers like vicodin slow the immune system which also reduce the effectiveness of your own body healing that area to it's best ability. I do know that steroid injections and others like it offer some short-term relief, but they also increase the speed at which those areas degenerate. I had my L4 bulging and did therapy with steroid injections (every 3wks) and within 1 1/2 years I now have L4,L5,& S1 shot as well.