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Re: First day of 2nd fast I feel absolutely awful....
chrisb1 Views: 6,476
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Re: First day of 2nd fast I feel absolutely awful....

Hello again snowflowr82,
Yes, I would not allow the medical fraternity to extract your gallbladder if you can possibly help it: this would mean more money for them, AND the loss of an organ for you!! Our gallbladders are there for a very good physiological reason.

Historically, "medicine" has always extracted those organs that are supposedly causing problems, and do not really understand: tonsils because of tonsillitis; appendix for appendicitis; the list is endless.........I suppose if we had brainitis they would remove our.........!!!! know what I mean.

Anyway, if you do choose to adopt a Natural Hygienic lifestyle, then your overall health will improve by leaps and bounds; NH has been described as the ultimate in achieving the maximum state of good health, with freedom from disease, and attaining boundless energy. Rather than explain it again (and therefore save my typo fingers) here is a website that will explain everything you need to know & more. Be sure to investigate the sublinks as well.................

There has always been a certain amount of controversy about what constitutes the natural diet of man within NH, but my own opinion is now firmly placed as mostly omnivorous but with some white organic meat, cold water fish, and free range organic eggs.
Lasagne doesn't really fit into the picture very well as that is red meat with pasta, which is a protein and starch at the same meal, and therefore hard to digest. Be careful to investigate proper food combining, which requires far less energy by the body for digestion, and releases that same energy for other tasks. Most hygienists appear to be a bit hyperactive because of their stored energy levels in this way, after all, life IS energy........the more energy you have........the more you will get out of life.
Soy has had a bad press lately and rightly so, so you are better off avoiding it altogether.
The best books that I could recommend on NH would be the Fit For Life books by Harvey & Marilyn Diamond: Fit For Life I, and Fit For Life II. Very readable, entertaining and very informative...............

The best diet available has to include protein foods; it is also a fallacy that you only receive good protein from a meat-eating diet.

Vegetarianism is full of protein foods and are wholly recommended while pregnant..................
Cheese (Raw & unpasteurized)
Milk (Raw & unpasteurized)
Pine nut
Queensland (Macadamia)
Paradise nut
Sesame seeds
Souari Nut
Soy Beans
Sunflower Seeds
Walnut (Black, English, Butternut)

Warm Regards



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