Re: First day of 2nd fast I feel absolutely awful....
Hello snowflowr82,
you may already be aware that liver/gallbladder stones are extremely common, but what most people do NOT realize, is the reason WHY they are so common.
Natural Hygiene has always maintained that stones are formed thru a faulty metabolism via a denatured or a predominantly processed-food diet, which, over time, will lead to abnormal fluid-secretions & excretions within the body: this will ultimately lead to the precipitation of these fluids and the formation of stones, wherever they may be located within the body: even within the eyes for example.
The standard treatment of mainstream medicine is to remove these "offending" organs: in most cases the gallbladder, but a problem arises of course, if that offending organ just happens to be the Liver. Not possible.
The cause/s then of stone formation are ignored, which (despite their removal) will again lead to yet MORE stone formation within the body.
People say to me that they suffer from gallbladder/kidney/
liver stones because of an hereditary predisposition to their formation, but what is so often overlooked, is that this "perceived predisposition" to stone-formation within families, is rooted within the same basic diet that is shared & common to them all, and NOT really of an hereditary origin at all.
Fasting though will normalize metabolism, and therefore the secretions/excretions of the body, which in turn will (in time) dissolve the stones that are already present. The post-fast diet of a mostly raw organic nature will then prevent the formation of any further stones.
The need for surgery and/or Liver/Kidney/gallbladder cleanses is then made redundant & superfluous.
Warm Regards