Absolutely, Sparque! [New message added.]
You tell 'em!
I knew you could!
Well, well said!
I'm sending you Saturday's nice fat newspaper...tightly rolled! Have at 'er!
Loud cheers,
Hope that helped, Sparque.
You see, I have the notion that, no matter what has happened in the past, we still have tomorrow...and that tomorrow is better handled as if one had never seen anything but happiness.
...That the quicker one can get back on an even keel, the better...as you so obviously know, and have proven in your own life.
Something has tempted your 13-year-old into fighting. Perhaps there are rumors floating around, and she feels she needs to stand up for herself. Or maybe she is just letting out her justifiable anger. I can't tell from here.
Probably, untrained, I'd just wade right in and demand to know if she thinks that public image will promote the life she really wants...and give her a rolled up newspaper, or an old pillow...and maybe watch and cheer as she pummels.
Love and laughter and the tears of life are still ahead, self-worth is still firmly in place, and can't be taken away, only shared...or forgotten.
Lucky that she has the dad she has, and not the mother of the other student.
And lucky that she has a counselor who cares, a natural.
I've been a lot of places in my life, Sparque...some you couldn't imagine, and I say that a true and steady friend is the most important person in the world...even if they don't know what to do.
It will come to you.
My best,