17 y
Beentheredonethat....LMAO!!! Man, you can say it like it IS!
And, just to clarify: I do not engage in "male bashing" for the sake of ...wishful thinking... or to make my Self "...feel 'safe!'" I AM safe, thank you. And, my best friend is my husband - he was there to wake me up when I was having nightmares about my ex, demonstrated absolute compassion when I suffered post-traumatic-stress syndrome, and has supported and encouraged me to be the best human being that I can be - EVERY day.
No, I see them as I call them - a victim is a victim and abuse is abuse and an enabler is an enabler. "Positive energy" has its place in healing. It does not have The Power to convert an abusive and/or controlling individual (man, woman, other) into an empathetic, sympathetic, kind, encouraging, supporting, POSITIVE human being.
Time for a group hug, then? (grin)