I don't really want to do a yes no type argument thread, but---
Responding to the anecdotal reports on the dangers of MMS is difficult since they are someone's interpretation of an experience and while often passed on as reliable, their reliability rests on their inclusion in a large enough, a preponderance, of like minded claims, as opposed to a smaller number of claims with an opossing or differing position. None of the anecdotal claims opposing MMS used, in this instance, has met that requirement. So we can rely on the much larger number of positive resulting anecdotal claims which also square with the science on the subject.
Old news for many on CZ, but still interesting for the historical perspective and the continuing saga of money and power vs health and happiness and how innocent understanding can become coerced, embroiled in and convinced by propaganda type deception.
Science tells us that activated MMS, (chlorine dioxide), AG+(colloidal Silver), H2O2(hydrogen peroxide) are all oxidizing agents, safe to use by those understanding their principles and powers.
According to a report by the National Institute of Health, chlorine dioxide "does not cause any harm to humans or to animals". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3818415/
Safer than many over the counter and prescription drugs, these are simple oxidizers, with powers that put them comparatively, to prescription meds, in a superior class of inexpensive and appropriate choices for many illnesses, ailments and diseases.
First some FDA history: DMSO was propagandized by the authorities as a useless, dangerous and toxic substance. Illegal to be sold for human use it could only be purchased for animal use.
The FDA had never tested a substance for toxicity as rigorously as they tested DMSO, and no substance they had tested, up to that time (the 60's), had ever been found to be so NON-TOXIC.
The state of Oregon's legislative assembly decided to approve for human use the sale of DMSO. The FDA notified them that they(the FDA), were the regulating authority in the matter and if they proceeded to allow sale of DMSO for human use in Oregon, they would be breaking federal law and would be prosecuted. The legislature responded, saying, fine, see you in court. The FDA dropped the matter without any action, and in Oregon, where Dr Jacops, the early investigator and popularizer of DMSO (and the derivative MSM) worked, it became available in other than veterinary settings.
It is the fastest reliever of intercranial pressure, a powerfully effective free radical scavenger, a fluid so transporting that a small amount on one's skin will become evident by a DMSO taste in the mouth in 8 seconds. ect ect ect.
MMS: for those either not, or ill informed:
"The Miracle Mineral Supplement on Wikipedia article, is a piece of misleading, unsubstantiated and deceitful propaganda, with a collection of cited references that can be summed up as mainstream media propaganda, unfounded press releases or otherwise irrelevant information. At no point is the reader presented with cited data relevant to MMS"
"Although the word Chlorine is in the name, like table salt (sodium chloride), it is totally different from common household Clorox Bleach or pool chlorine, which are both poisons known to be cancer causing if they are used on or in the human body. Chlorine Dioxide has an ability to destroy (through oxidation) disease causing microorganisms that may be on or in the human body. Because of the chemical nature of chlorine dioxide it destroys these microorganisms in such a manner that it is also
destroyed at the same time, leaving nothing behind but plain table salt, discharged oxygen atoms, and dead microorganisms".
"In December of 2012, The Water Reference Center (WRC), an affiliate organization of the Red Cross, performed a documented field test in Uganda where 154 malaria patients were treated using (activated MMS) sodium chlorite. All 154 patients were (free of symptoms previously being experienced and considered) cured of malaria within 24-48 hours of treatment. The WRC and the Red Cross insisted on keeping the results quiet. Eventually the results were
made public in May 2013 via a (leaked) amateur video---.
(Subsequently)-- a professional video produced by the WRC was discovered and released showing the details of the test along with glowing (positive) statements by Red Cross officials".
"700,000 deaths are attributed to ingesting medical pharmaceuticals each year in the USA".
"It is estimated that millions of people have ingested chlorine dioxide as water purification chemicals, as stabilized oxygen sold in health food stores for 80 years, and as preservation chemicals used on vegetables and fruits, without a single death attributed to its use. A 1981 study showed no ill effects on humans when consuming even higher levels of Chlorine Dioxide than MMS
treatment normally suggests using".
"The FDA has approved the use of Chlorine Dioxide (activated MMS) for preserving fruits and vegetables, for water purification, as disinfectants used in hospitals, and for other uses. However, the FDA is firmly against using Chlorine Dioxide for medical purposes. If MMS were to be approved for medical applications, then billions of dollars now paid for medical drugs would (obstensible) be lost to the pharmaceutical companies. Unfortunately, there is a revolving door between the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry---".
As I recall, Louis Daniel Smith was sentenced to 51 months in prison. To which I'd add, he had apparently served well over a year while in custody awaiting trial. And so he could potentially be out in less than 2 for good behavior if the time served was consecutive to his sentence. - That said, I don't understand why he was sentenced to prison for such a crime personally - makes no sense
RE: That said, I'd also question if the FDA served him with a cease and desist order prior to either, before investigating or after concluding that he was in contempt with the law?
UPDATE: I wanted to add that it appears as though Louis Daniel Smith did in fact receive multiple cease and desist letters from the FDA on the matter of promoting and selling MMS. - That said, and based on my research, it would appear that this was pivotal in the prosecutions case against him.
And finally, I question why the courts denied the defendant the right call evidence during his trial as indicated on the Louis' support page. Though I was not able to find a disclosure of the trial transcripts and due process.
I'd also add that Louis Daniel Smith was apparently given a plea bargain, which he denied in favor of a trial. And that the plea bargain would have spared him jail time in exchange for three years of supervised probation.
However, and in spite of this, it remains that Louis Daniel Smith did commit fraud to import dangerous goods into the US. To which I'd add, would have likely seriously impeded his credibility with the courts.
Beyond this, the FDA's policy on mislabeling alternative health products is that people are not permitted to make any medical claims of cures with alternative health products. Though I'd add that this in itself should not impact our ability to either share product and information, let alone, Colloidal Silver, given the level of awareness associated with the product.
PS. For what it's worth, I make my own MMS derivatives(called CDS) from Sodium Chlorite. Which in itself, is not illegal to purchase in Canada. It just cannot be purchased or sold as medicine for ingestion. And so, in short, people can still get MMS without conflicting with FDA regulation, in much the same way that we can buy any other alternative product by making it ourselves. The trick of course, is to stop trying to label and sell alternative products with medical claims. To which I'd add, so many people seem intent on doing.
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