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Re: MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) Owner gets 32 Yrs in Prison
Esstee Views: 5,546
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Re: MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) Owner gets 32 Yrs in Prison

As I recall, Louis Daniel Smith was sentenced to 51 months in prison. To which I'd add, he had apparently served well over a year while in custody awaiting trial. And so he could potentially be out in less than 2 for good behavior if the time served was consecutive to his sentence. - That said, I don't understand why he was sentenced to prison for such a crime personally - makes no sense

RE: That said, I'd also question if the FDA served him with a cease and desist order prior to either, before investigating or after concluding that he was in contempt with the law?

UPDATE: I wanted to add that it appears as though Louis Daniel Smith did in fact receive multiple cease and desist letters from the FDA on the matter of promoting and selling MMS. - That said, and based on my research, it would appear that this was pivotal in the prosecutions case against him. 

And finally, I question why the courts denied the defendant the right call evidence during his trial as indicated on the Louis' support page. Though I was not able to find a disclosure of the trial transcripts and due process.

I'd also add that Louis Daniel Smith was apparently given a plea bargain, which he denied in favor of a trial. And that the plea bargain would have spared him jail time in exchange for three years of supervised probation.

However, and in spite of this, it remains that Louis Daniel Smith did commit fraud to import dangerous goods into the US. To which I'd add, would have likely seriously impeded his credibility with the courts.

Beyond this, the FDA's policy on mislabeling alternative health products is that people are not permitted to make any medical claims of cures with alternative health products. Though I'd add that this in itself should not impact our ability to either share product and information, let alone, Colloidal Silver, given the level of awareness associated with the product.

PS. For what it's worth, I make my own MMS derivatives(called CDS) from Sodium Chlorite. Which in itself, is not illegal to purchase in Canada. It just cannot be purchased or sold as medicine for ingestion. And so, in short, people can still get MMS without conflicting with FDA regulation, in much the same way that we can buy any other alternative product by making it ourselves. The trick of course, is to stop trying to label and sell alternative products with medical claims. To which I'd add, so many people seem intent on doing.



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