"Of my two teenage boys, one have some acne; he is the only one that was given fluoride tablets; for his teeth when we didnt know better.."
That IS interesting. I don't know if I was given fluoride tablets or not, but I do have one dental fluorosis spot, so I did get too much fluoride somehow. I'm 30 with very dry skin so it's not the usual oily skin type acne. My skin does get better when I don't consume any fluoride, but not all the way better, so I was wondering since
Iodine is supposed to help you deal with the other halide toxins, if that could be what I'm missing, since it's pretty impossible to avoid fluoride/bromide completely! I'll try it for a few months and see what happens.
Although, right now I'm only taking 1 drop of
Lugol's 2% and from what I'm reading it's not enough. I had gone up to 3 drops but I just had such terrible detox symptoms (acne, rash, cherry angiomas, bloating and just felt icky) so I went back down to 1, but that was before I found this forum and learned that I should raise the dose. But my skin had been totally clear on 1 drop/day and then came back when I increased to 3. Do you think it's ok to work up to more
Iodine this slowly?