Hello !!
i have fordyce spots for 5 years now, i started to have them after taking an antidepressant called DEROXAT, it made my lips very dry, i used a lip balm and i saw those spots appearing on my lips, don't know if it's from the pills or the lip balm...
AND i have a BIG question for this forum, is there anyone who got rid (for real) of those fordyce spots ??
i mean, don't say any crappy cream or else, nothing works, if there is a solution, it's from inside our body maybe changing something about our diet, taking foods supplements or i don't know... but really nothing else can work, even CO2 laser doesn't work, and smoothbeam laser too (i tried smoothbeam already at the corner of my lip, i've got one scar but the fordyce came back)
to be honest i'm started to loose hope but, is there anyone who cured this for real ?
thank you !
In 2012 I was taking accutane for about 8,5 months. First two weeks 40 mg, then 20 mg and 20 mg to the end. I have hair follicles inflammation now, terrible EC... and of course I still have Fordyce Spots. I always had chapped lips and I bit them as hard as I could. But in 2011 I got Fordyce Spots on all over my lips.
Today, after two CO2 laser treatments, accutane, tretinoin liquid, photodynamic therapy I still have EC, still have fordyce spots.
And I will tell you one thing: EACH OF THESE methods of fithing fordyce spots ARE a terrible IDEA to begin with!!! After CO2 laser treatment my lips became only bigger. You would think that lips would cure after the tissue is vaporated and new flesh is born, but fordyce pots unfortunately come back. So don't even think about laser treatments or stuff like that.
Anyways I was tested for HIV - negative, chlamydia - negative, HPV - 6,11 positive.
I had biopsy of my lips to see if my FS are not related to the HPV. The laboratory test came negative.
So... what I am doing now?
In a couple of weeks I am going to the hospital to get examed towards Wilson's disease. If the tests come negative I will try the Colloidal Silver and Vita-Biosa. I've read that only High Quality colloidal silver does magic, the silver with high concentration / high level of silver particles, something like that. This is the only shit I got in mind. My urologist (yeah, I also have prostate inflammation) told me that my problems with lips might be triggered by my liver problems - I have Gilbert's Syndrome - terrible shit. So my only hope for now is that they will make my liver work better and I'll try silver and vita-biosa. You should read about these supplements. I have never tried them but a herbalist got me interested with them.
What am I applying on lips right now?
A protective ointment cream with vitamin A. It had cost me about $1,5. It's the best thing I have recently applied for my lips.
P.S. OH!!! I also used Daivonex gel and Batrafen - both don't do anything. I don't recommend them. After Batrafen lip skin can get very inflammed, and Daivonex is hard to wash it off from the lips.
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