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I cured my fordyce spots
tired of these spots Views: 1,919
Published: 7 y

I cured my fordyce spots

I had three white spots on my lips for the past four years. They looked like herpes and I had to wear lipstick to cover them every time to hide them. I've looked all over the internet for cures and tried them all: vicks, conditioners, peels, oils etc.

Fed up I was trying to pop them like a post I read. I took a pin removed the top layer of skin and squeezed and squeezed hoping some stuff would come out. Nothing did except blood.

Just on a lark I took c-herb that I bought to remove my moles, flesh colored raised spots and hemangiomas. I used a toothpick and put on a small amount on the exposed lip skin and covered it with a small bandaid.

Immediately my skin burned, stung a little. I kept the bandaid on for about four hours then peeled it off and went to sleep. I did not wash off the c-herb but left it on. I would not advise keeping it covered overnight.

The next day a brown spot formed which scabbed over. The scab grew larger over the week then fell off on its own. I did not apply any lotions or lip stuff and I treated the area very delicately. Three weeks later my fordyce spot is still gone. And I just successfully treated the one on my top lip just leaving one more to go. The one on my top lip never really turned brown but when the scab came off it too remained gone.

I have posted this on earthclinic but because there is a product mentioned they did not put up the post. I also put it on fordycespots forum but once again no one put up the post. I'm posting it here to hopefully help some people. Mine are gone. I am cured. I wish I took pictures to prove it.

You must poke the area and squeezing to draw blood I think helped. I don't look like I have herpes on my lip anymore.
C-herb people
and only a tiny smidge is necessary

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