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Red Skin Syndrome, Topical Steroids Addiction
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    dry, red face and body   janlle   15 y  3,157  C

    dry, red face and body

    my partner has suffered from extreme face and body irritatuins for approx. 6 years. Over the past 3 years it has become increasingly worse. His sleep is terrible as itchiness dramatically increases at night times (often wakes up with skin pealing off face and raw skin from scratching throughout entire night).We have been to SO many dermatologists and are constantly given the same creams/steroids. He has been told that he suffers from dermatitis, eczema and Psoriasis along with severe metal allergies. However, when following recomm. from the dermatologists, nothing seems to improve. Currently we are gluten, dairy, Sugar and preservative free. Also has constipation, low libido and memory loss. Does this sound familiar to anyone???? Please let me know if you have or have had any symptoms similar to these!!!!
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    reversing the side effect of corticosteroids   muhammed   16 y  3,264  C

    reversing the side effect of corticosteroids

    Corticosteroids reduce inflammation and the turnover of skin cells, and they suppress the immune system. Available in different strengths, topical corticosteroids (cortisone) are usually applied to the skin twice a day. corticosteroids can cause thinning of the skin, internal side effects, and resistance to the treatment's benefits.

    Calcipotriene is a synthetic form of vitamin D3 that can be applied to the skin. Applying calcipotriene ointment twice a day controls the speed of turnover of skin cells. Calcipotriene can irritate the skin.

    Topical retinoids are synthetic forms of vitamin A. The retinoid tazarotene, also called tazorac, is available as a gel or cream that is applied to the skin. If used alone, this preparation does not act as quickly as topical corticosteroids, but it does not cause thinning of the skin or other side effects associated with steroids.

    simalar to corticosteroids but they dont have the side effects.
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    Is it Folliculitis Decalvans   Brianwhite   16 y  5,829  C

    Is it Folliculitis Decalvans

    I have been to see my dermatologist on a few occasions recently because of a flare up of my folliculitis, it was biopsied in 2002 and also was swabed to see if there were any infections. It came back as folliculitis decalvans, no infections from anything were found. My symptoms are pretty much inflammation and soreness that if left untreated kills the hair follicle, I on occasion have Acne but I just get a red spot here and there and that just goes away, I don't have any postules or puss it is very dry, it has been treated with topical steroids which worked well from 2002-2008 as needed, but since this last flare up we have tried prednisone as well and that worked but still have some activity right around my small bald spot, topical steroids seem to be keeping it from getting worse but you can still feel that there is some activity. I guess my question from what I read about Folliculitis Decalvans is usually there are postules, puss and almost always treated with Antibiotics , I don't have these symptoms and have never been treated with an antibiotic, so could it be another type of scarring alopecia? I live in a small town and there isn't much in the way of expertise here so not sure if it would have been properly diagnosed although luckily the scarring has pretty much remained unchanged and until recently I rarely ever thought about my scalp since the condition remained pretty much dormant over the past 6 years after initial use of topical steroids.
    Also approx how long should I use the topical steroids this time before I can say they aren't working? I have been back on them for approx 4 days and like I said scalp feels pretty good but you can tell there is still activity in the area of the scarred bald spot. IS there a shampoo that is good to use when you have these scalp conditions
    Sorry the post was so long but I thought I should ask the experts
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    Severe itching on scalp, face, shoulders, back, et...   plasticat   16 y  9,685  C

    Severe itching on scalp, face, shoulders, back, etc

    I have the most severe itching all over my scalp, face, shoulders, back, and chest.

    The skin is red and peeling and is like a thick oily (sebum and dead skin) plaque.

    Dead skin falls from my body in large flakes. I have severe pustules all over these area, Seborrhea on my face, and dandruff and seborrheic cysts all over my scalp.

    I have had three different tests now for candida- I was blood tested now on two different occassions and and also an intestinal dysbiosis test (detects levels of candida among other pathogens in the intestines).

    I have also been tested for Leaky gut syndrome. All of my tests have come back normal.
    I do not have candida and I do not have LGS, yet I have a SEVERE skin disorder that is driving me mad.

    Where is this tremendous skin inflammation, pustules, flaking and scaling skin, etc coming from?

    I have going to an alternative doctor right now and he has absolutely no idea.

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    Dark patches underneath psoriasis.   ChrisCross   18 y  3,266  C

    Dark patches underneath psoriasis.

    I've got rid of a lot of Psoriasis in the last few months but I've still got dark red patches where they used to be...What are they?
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    Herbal remedies for eczema---especially around the...   citybeach   19 y  5,766  C

    Herbal remedies for eczema---especially around the eye area.

    I have been suffering from eczema for over 20 years. For most of the time, I have been using the traditional methods of topical cortisone creams, steroids, to help reduce the inflammation. While I have been able to control the eczema on my arms, I have been unsuccessful with the eczema around the eyes and the back of my neck. Around the eyelids, it becomes dry, crusty, and sometimes red and bloody. At times, mucus comes seeping out the side of my eye.

    Seeing that the traditional methods have become counterproductive, I have recently turned to other methods such as yeast cleanses, liver and colon cleanses. As far as topical "medications" I've applied coconut oil to relieve the dryness. The inflamation around the eye has reduced somewhat, but I still get that irritating and itchy feeling that it makes me want to scratch that area, which ultimately makes it worse again.

    Has anyone have any other suggestions( without the use of steroids, of course) to help with this problem?
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