The MC is very specific and works in a very simple and elegant way to "cleanse" your system >Anything< that you add will interfere with it's simplicity by either keeping digestion active which can possibly affect it in several ways. Since digestion is active it keeps you constantly hungry. It can keep you from going into ketosis and then instead of using fats for energy which is how any cleanses/ fasts work, since most toxins are stored in fat or it can affect the alkilizing effect of the lemon because the system has to produce other gastric juices to digest deal with any of these additions. Who knows what other variables. The MC is NOT a nutritional diet it is a >CLEANSE< that's what it does in a very "specific" simple and elegant way and it's been proven effective AS IS for more than 50 years. If it ain't broke don't fix it!!
You are trying to reinvent the wheel. We spend most of our lives putting crap in our system and you are not going to fix it and or get it out in one fell swoop. Tain't gonna happen! If you want to cleanse your system in the best most efficient way then don't mess with it and you can do all these other supplements after you get the junk out and your system is operating more efficiently to absorb and make better use of these things. Generally supplements are meant to be done while eating regular food which work synergisticaly with all these substances and also act as a buffer for their absorption. You ain't pushing no envelope. You're >interfering< with the workings of a known and proven protocol.
I agree 100% with your statements. This is a cleansing process that has the byproducts of weight loss. It only works properly for both cleansing & weight loss when done by the book. The literal book that was written for it with complete recipe guidelines over 70 years ago. It was not meant to be revised. The lemonade diet protocol should not be changed when a person wants to reap the real benefits.
I keep seeing all these different figures for making the lemonade in bulk and I have no idea where folks are getting their figures from or if maybe they're just very bad at math ;+D. Below is the "correct" amounts for making bulk quantities of the lemonade.
To make 30 oz or approx 1 quart (32 oz) 3 drinks
24 oz water
3oz lemon Juice
3oz maple syrup
3/10ths tsp cayenne (approx 1/4 rounded tsp)
For 60 oz approx half gallon(64oz) - 6 drinks - Multiply quart recipe x2
For 120 oz approx 1 gallon (128 oz) = 12 drinks - Multiply quart recipe x4
For Ya'll across the big pond here the rounded off Metric per drink conversion: 240ml - water 30ml - Maple syrup 30ml - Lemon juice
Lemons vary in size and juice contentso to keep the recipe consistent and not vary the amount of lemons as per Mr Burroughs one should use TBLSP or OZ measures. Your 8 tblsp per 32oz (quart) is correct 8 tbsp = 4 oz.
In short 1oz each of lemon and syrup per 8oz of H2o
Well Mr. self proclaimed "Expert" "math major dewd" looks like you got cheated on your math degree. Below is the E_L_E_M_E_N_T_A_R_Y math
2 Tbsp = 1 oz
24oz H2O = 3 - 8oz cups
2 Tblsp per cup = 6Tblsp
6 tbsp = 3oz
Worry not you could prolly get a gov't job with your "expertise" but definetly keep a low profile otherwise you might get investigated for (drum roll please)
Keeping weapons of "math delusions"!!!!!!!
Bada Boom! ;+D
Thanks for the lesson and I'm glad that I could facilitate the venting or your "psychosis" ;+D It should have been pretty obvious since it wasn't mispelled in every occurance that it was an unintentional typo. I'm a lousy 2 finger hunt a peck typist and I'm sure there are a number of other typos and all kindsa other crap that I'm not gonna loose any sleep over.
The only "hogwash" here is your misquoting Burroughs and your lack of comprehension of what is written in the FAQs which is a distilation of YEARS of discussions on this forum There is not a single line in the whole post that states that one will not loose weight on the MC. It is a comprehensive explanation of how it works and how to use it >>>>SUCCESSFULY<<<<<< as >>>>>PART<<<<< of a weightloss program. On it's own the MC is NOT a weight loss diet, period. THE END.
Without a follow up plan and lifestyle change post fast the MC or ANY weightloss diet is a plan that will not only fail but because ALL forms of fasting slow the metabolism it is a plan where someone can wind up gaining even more weight than they lost in a very short period of time. Further if the follow up post fast does not include exercising to bring the metabolism back up it can even make it more difficult to loose weight in the future.
You are pretty much on point with your aim and attitude cept for the calorie counting part. Forget calorie counting and make your "lifestyle change" focus about quality nutrient dense foods and >balance< and not quantity/calorie counting.
I posted this on another forum, but since so many people lately seem to be enthusiastic about doing the *Ultimate* Fast, {which is doing Psyllium & Bentonite shakes while on the Master Cleanse}I thought I'd post it here to. Hope it helps someone. :)
The Master Cleanse is remarkable on its own at detoxifying and cleansing your body. P&B shakes are also good at what they do, but they are also very dehydrating & binding to begin with.
I think doing the shakes while on a restricted calorie/nutrient program is asking for trouble. The P&B shake will bind up your calories and nutrients and you may end up not getting your calories, nutrients, enzymes, whatever for the day, unbalancing your body and making yourself sick.. malnutrituos. The only thing your *feeding* your body is the lemonade & the P&B are gonna soak all that up as soon as it gets into you. Then you really will be *starving*, messing up your metabolism & putting the body into starve mode instead of the fasting/healing mode.
Also, many have probs properly eliminating on the MC because they are DEHYDRATED. While logic may say *doing a P&B will unblock me* it will only make things WORSE because the constipation comes from dehydration and lack of bulk{food}. The P&B further dehydrate you. While you can drink more water, how much is enough to avert trouble?
Also, the MC is a super CLEANSE. It's purpose is to detox the body & that can be stressful enough on it's own. Adding a super-detoxing element like bentonite may exacerbate your detoxification, making you very ill. Depends on how toxic you are to begin with, of course.
More is not always better. Some things, like the Master Cleanse is an outstanding program purely on it's own, nothing needs to be added to it. Try it and you will see. Day 7-9 is the super detoxing time. If you're not feeling *bad* enough then, then add stuff until you feel bad if that's your goal. ;) I'm sure it's not tho. :))))
I understand everyone will do what they want in the end. & you may do the P&B shakes anyway and have no problems. I guess some already have. There are many guidelines about drinking tons of water while doing the P&B shakes, and that must be followed just to be safe. Remember dehydration is the big problem with both the P&B and the MC. How much water is enough for your body? I don't know. But don't find out the hard way that you haven't had enough. There is a formula for it somewhere... like one ounce for every pound of your body weight...?
It unfortunate when people hurt themselves or make things harder when they're trying to help their health. Both the MC & the shakes can be very beneficial, but do them at the right times following their guidelines to get the MOST out of each protocol. There is more than one report of people who have mixed liver flushes and P&B shakes while doing the MC and they have gotten very ill. Their experiences were just posted here in the MC forum. While you're not them, do you really want to risk it? If it ain't broke....... :)
~All the best
Below is from Curezone poster "barsoap"
ended a 10 day MC on 12/21 and on Christmas ate very very light. Actually had no appetite but had some collard greens and cabbage.
On 12/26 I had a colonic, and a great one at that, however, to my surprise I still had P&B in my system coming out that had formed from day 2 of my cleanse. Mind you I stopped taking the shake with the MC upon recommendation from some members. And like I said above was surprise that it was still in my system. Lucky for me though my good BM's while doing the MC from day 7 until the colonic was releasing the P&B.
The Therepist informed me that when doing P or B, one needs to either have a colonic within 1 hour to release the bulk, or have several enemas. Otherwise blockage will result(which is what happened to me after day 2, I had no movements until day 4). In her words, using P&B to detox is a very serious thing not to be messed with while on a fast.
For those of you that have or are using it with success, good for you. For those not taking it but considering doing so with the MC, I just wanted to share my experience and recommend as others have to me that you do the MC without the P&B shake
Below is from longtime Curezone poster "Hopingso"
The original Master Cleanse did not make any provision for the P&B shakes. Many purists believe it is best to not put any kind of solid into the system while doing the MC. This is a form of fasting, and fasting needs to be liquids only to be the most effective in deep cleansing. Remember that The Master Cleanse is more than a Colon Cleanse ,(in fact I believe that far too much stress is put on keeping the colon flushing out with irritating substances) done correctly the MC cleanses the entire body. The digestive system is effectively shut down, except for the colon flushing, and the energy generally required for digestion is diverted to healing the body. The liver, kidneys and skin must process the released toxins at first and might seem stressed; but as the cleanse goes on, and as the body grows cleaner these vital organs will begin to recover from the stress of overwork and begin to work better and more efficiently. The skin will begin to glow, veins and arteries will be cleaned out, decades of accumulated mineral deposits will be flushed out of stiff joints. A fasting cleanse is a near miracle in healing the body. However, it is important to remember that one cleanse will rarely be enough and for the majority of people it is much better to begin with a series of short 10 days cleanses than one very long one. The key is to spend the time between cleanses rebuilding the body with healthy nutrient dense foods.
For those who chose to add the P&B shakes, the Master Cleanse basically becomes a colon cleanse. While most of the fiber in psyllium is non-soluble, there is enough soluble fiber to activate the digestive system and energy is once again diverted to the cause of digestion. The soluble fiber is important and can aid in clearing clogged arteries, but that is done at the price of effectively ending the deep cleansing action of a true fast. The bentonite clay must be used carefully, some people actually can wind up in worse shape because too much bentonite can be very constipating. A tablespoon or two of the liquid bentonite a day is enough to attract and adsorb toxins in the gut.
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The MC should not be undertaken prior to reading the book The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs AND all of the FAQ's. In some people fasting may promote formation and/or growth of intrahepatic stones and/or gallstones. Flush your liver before and after every fast to prevent possible problems!
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