The only "hogwash" here is your misquoting Burroughs and your lack of comprehension of what is written in the FAQs which is a distilation of YEARS of discussions on this forum There is not a single line in the whole post that states that one will not loose weight on the MC. It is a comprehensive explanation of how it works and how to use it >>>>SUCCESSFULY<<<<<< as >>>>>PART<<<<< of a weightloss program.On it's own the MC is NOT a weight loss diet, period. THE END.
Without a follow up plan and lifestyle change post fast the MC or ANY weightloss diet is a plan that will not only fail but because ALL forms of fasting slow the metabolism it is a plan where someone can wind up gaining even more weight than they lost in a very short period of time. Further if the follow up post fast does not include exercising to bring the metabolism back up it can even make it more difficult to loose weight in the future.