I would look into Morgellons and the folks at ”Get Your Life Back”:
Some ingredients mentioned that can help keep skin and house clean from mites, etc
►borax—not strong enough to kill by i ....
I would look into Morgellons and the folks at "Get Your Life Back":
Some ingredients mentioned that can help keep skin and house clean from mites, etc
►borax—not strong enough to kill by itself
►Epson salts—not strong enough to kill by itself
►peppermint—start with 10-12 drops and go up to 30 if tolerable
►lavender—start with 7 to 20 drops or more
►bleach—a cup.
►peroxide (2
quarts of 3% or 1/3 cup of 35%)
►pool shock (hypochlorite)—one ounce or more
► White or apple cider vinegar –one cup or more
► Baking Soda—amount unknown
Depending on how badly your skin is infected, take 3 or more baths
a day—take as many as you need so you can get from one bath to the
next with minimal skin discomfort. To wash your hair, use a few
drops of NG concentrate to lather up in your hair or use our
shampoo/conditioner with lavender. Stay in the bath for a minimum
of 20 minutes or as long an hour. Avoid getting the bath water into
your eyes"