So far I'm almost done with Phase 2 of the Guts and Glory program and I feel like I've been experiencing some rough symptoms after adding probiotics back into my system.
Right now I am up to taking 6 Primal Defense a day and each day about 1 cup of 24-36hr fermented homemade real kefir from pasteurized goats milk. I am having some formed stools and gas has subsided a lot but I am now experiencing bad constipation and bad bloating. Is the PD and kefir causing it you think? I thought kefir and PD was suppose to get rid of bad stuff not back the system up. Is this really bad? I'm drinking a lot of water during the day and having the soup and steamed veges. What else would help? Will it subside or do I need to back off the probiotics? I just don't want to give up on the program but the constipation is a major concern for me.