First, I commend you on your spiritual beliefs and your faith.
Is your husband of the same faith? If he is, have you spoken to a priest/minister or counselor in your church who can approach your husband for counseling? If that is possible, that is one way to go. Perhaps coming from another source it would be more persuasive.
Another but a long shot way to go is to go to and submit a request to be on the show. There are categories there for those requests and one is "explosive" anger. By submitting your story, you may not get on the show but you may get some guidance from him or his staff.
Many blessings for knowing where you are at. Many women in your situation have just had to grit their teeth and bear it but you appear to have your head on straight and seem to want to take whatever is necessary to get your life together.
Best again.
As a practicing Christian, it is my firm belief that MAN makes the "rules" of interpreting the Word as a method of control - politically, socially, "morally," etc.
As a Survivor of domestic violence and abuse, I know that God (or, whomever one calls their Higher Power) does not intend for human beings to endure torment at the hands of another. Divorce is not a dirty word - it's just a legal proceedure to sever ties within a legally binding contract.
You have several options, here. You can choose to remain with this abusive person, continue begging for him to attend counseling with you, and devolve into a shell of a human being. You can choose to remain with this person and allow your children to learn to evolve into perpetrators or victims, themselves - and, from personal experience, that is a fact, not a warning. Or, you can choose to save yourself, and your children, if they can be helped, and evolve from a victim into a Survivor.
But, whatever you do, please, consult the Narcissist/Sociopath Forum, here at curezone, AND visit every link listed.
Sorry, but contacting Dr. Phil and requesting to be on his show is tantamount to visiting your local palm reader and hoping to win the lottery. Your decision must be YOUR decision - for your Self, and for your children. Whatever happens to the perpetrator of domestic violence is not a priority to a Survivor.
One last suggestion: do not share any insight with your abuser, as they will twist and pervert anything that you offer as a possible solution into a TOOL to INFLICT MORE MISERY. Check out the sites, and best of luck to you!
"A young woman at my church is dealing with a similar situation with domestic violence and drug addiction, and some of the men in the church claim its her duty to stay with her husband. I cannot agree with that in her case or yours."
That's precisely how my ex used to "shame" me into submission, "A 'good wife' stays by her man, no matter what!" It is no human being's "duty" to be the object of anyone's abuse and torment.
And, the marriage vow that says, "For better or worse," does not translate to mean, "Endure dehumanizaion and torment." "Better or worse" means through good times and bad. "Bad times" means those times when we are to support our spouse and they, in turn, support us as PARTNERS and COMPANIONS.
A God-filled relationship has the ingredients of trust + honesty + companionship + partnership + peace. A damaging relationship consists of humiliation + degradation + dehumanization + objectification.
Please, check out the Narcissist/Sociopath Forum, here on curezone. There are a number of sites and sound suggestions that will help you take the first steps to evolving into a Survivor. That you are able to recognize your status as a victim is the biggest leap.
Single mom with 3 kids? You'll be fine, kiddo - I have known women in your EXACT same situation that not only survived, but went on to earn degrees in many different fields. You are NOT weak, particularly if you are able to "voice" your fears, dreads, and abuse with others.
Again, check out the forums, sites, and secure a GOOD counselor (I had a great Christian counselor that specialized in abuse victims) and a highly recommended attorney that represents abused spouses BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY PLANS TO LEAVE!!!!
If, however, you are under attack, call the police, immediately, swear out a complaint, get a restraining order, and get to safety ASAP with your kids. Look up shelters in the area - family won't be safe as the abuser knows where they are. Also, contact Social Services - they will be able to hook you up with many, many resources to help you through this.
In fact, a GOOD attorney will see that the court has your abuser pay for YOUR attorney fees!!!! But, whatever you do, don't ever let your abuser know that you are planning on leaving. You've been able to pretend, before - like everything's fine, etc. Right now, you'll have to pretend a little longer to avoid further battering.
Best of luck to you, honey, and please keep posting! Most all of us have been there, done that, and survived, okay?
If only "common sense" were enough to battle domestic violence and abuse, the world would be a safer and more emotionally healthy place! Abuse doesn't just happen overnight, in most cases. And, victims cannot be stereotyped: "always" women; "always" underpriviledged; "always" foolish; etc.
Domestic violence and abuse is insidious - it is the systematic breakdown of a person's inner psyche, little by little. The victim often doesn't realize that abuse prevails in the relationship until, one day, their nose is broken, their fingers are broken, their ribs are broken, and their batterer is somehow placing the blame for their injuries on the victim, "If you were a 'good wife,' you wouldn't question me about our finances," or, "Why do you make me do this to you? Do you enjoy this?" By that time, the victim realizes that they have no access to a safety network (trusted friends, relations, siblings), finances, employment, counseling, etc. Everything that the victim might need is ostensibly provided by the batterer, often in a cruel system of withold/reward. If the victim complies with the demands of the abuser, the children will be fed. If the victim dares to defy the abuser, not only will the experience the obvious, but specific needs will be witheld: medical needs; vehicle use; financial support; spiritual needs (like attending church, synagogue, mosque); friends; relatives; education; etc.
In addition, we are raising up more and more violent human beings on a daily basis. Have you ever watched any of the music video that's on MTV or other music video networks? Have you ever actually listened to, or read, the lyrics of the majority of "popular music," lately? Do you watch such programming as, "Survivor," and other "reality" shows? In all of the above examples, there are glaring examples of how children are growing up believing that bad choices and behavior will be rewarded with cash, houses, cars, women/men, "bling-bling," etc., and that it is preferable to disdain empathy or accountability for one's own actions or choices.
Yeah, common sense would be a wonderful thing if domestic violence and abuse didn't circumvent such a great idea.
Yes, I'm smart, and I know more about domestic violence and abuse than I wish I did.
Please, do not address any more posts to me, personally, as I will not engage in an online or virtual fight with anyone. If you are compelled to make a point, do so without adressing me, personally.