Blog: Stating my Intentions
by Roooth

Saturday Day 51

I don't believe the whole philosophy as-is but I believe there is enough truth - enough profound truth - that following it would bring lots of good things.

Date:   3/29/2008 7:58:54 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2100 times

Today I went and tried out for Deal or No Deal. I didn't make it but it was a different experience. It's too bad. All the thoughts I've had about $100,000 for school, that would do it. It did get me going on kinds of good focused thoughts on the possibility of acquiring $100,000 for school and how great that would be and how I would be able to go to grad school full time for a while. I would love to have this come my way.

I do have my doubts about the Law of Attraction philosophy. I don't believe the whole philosophy as-is but I believe there is enough truth - enough profound truth - that following it would bring lots of good things. But we'll see. I still put good thoughts out there for the things I want b/c that's a good way to manifest things and to get on the right road for what you want.

The food/diet thing has not gone so well. Yesterday I was focused on money for school. I still need to change the way I think about diet and food. Simply feeling better about it and wanting to lose weight are not enough. I've gained under this plan. I need to work on how I think about it and I'm still stuck, hitting walls. Gosh, I wish I had the key that would make it work for me. I'm still cracking at it.


I want money for school. Enough money that I can go full time and not be in debt afterwards. I also want to get into grad school. This means so much to me.

I want to find whatever it is I need to learn how to eat healthfully and moderately. I want slenderness and health. I think it would be so incredibly great if I achieved this to the point where it is second nature.

That's it for now. Ciao.

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