Hypothyroidism is the result of a weak thyroid gland which can be caused by many factors such as thyroid toxicity, stress, poor nutrition and bad lifestyle. In general the body of an individual with hypothyroidism is no longer able to produce adequate vital hormones. By using various sensitive thyroid function ELISA kits, doctors are now able to diagnose many thyroid disorders much earlier and in many cases even before one experiences any symptoms.
Identified patients are prescribed synthetic hormone pills and they are advised to continue taking them for the rest of their lives. This creates a situation where the intake of these pills causes the body to permanently stop producing its own thyroid hormone (a similar case to a diabetic taking synthetic insulins). Those patients taking pharmaceutical hormones often develop hypothyroidism which is more difficult to cure when compared to those who did nothing at all or those who opted for alternatives immediately.
In alternative medicine, treatments usually involve helping the thyroid to heal, which is often a long term commitment. People who have been taking hypothyroidism medications for a number of years will need to slowly wean themselves from these drugs, since stopping abruptly can lead to many other thyroid problems and extreme fatigue.
Some heathy life-style recommendations to implement can include:
1. Elimination of soya: since it can cause enlargement of thyroid gland, suppress thyroid function and imbalances hormones. All of this can disrupt iodine usage.
2. Balance estrogen levels (especially in women): since thyroid gland is slowed down with excess estrogen. Some easy solutions are: reduce diary intake, eliminate birth control medications, increase fiber in diet and avoid non-organic meats.
3. Adhere to alkaline diet: proved to be extremely helpful when trying to cure any chronic disease.
4. Exercise: make it fun and regular, curing is not possible without it and in most cases it can also half the cure time.
5. L-arginine: found to stimulate the thyroid and its hormones.
6. L-tyrosine: a natural amino acid known to help the body to produce own thyroid hormone. Also, can help with depression which is often found to accompany hypothyroidism. It is recommended by most naturopaths to take 500 mg 2 or 3 times a day.
7. Avoid all sources of fluoride: this is known to suppress the thyroid and can be one of the main causes of hypothyroidism. It is recommended to use fluoride-free toothpaste, avoid soft drinks, drink spring water, get rid of any non-stick cookware and use a shower filter.
8. Hemp fiber: a mild laxative and a broad spectrum supplement.
9. Iodine: this is important for the thyroid to function properly and there is growing evidence to indicate that there are many people who suffer from iodine deficiencies. Baked fish is one of the safest and most natural way increase iodine uptake.
10. Zinc and selenium: studies to indicate that deficiencies in zinc or selenium can lead to a decrease in thyroid levels. Brazil nuts are regarded as a high in zinc and selenium.
11. Apples and pears: these fruits have a powerful tendency to balance hormones (especially pears). It is also found that pears are most helpful when juiced or mixed with apples.
12. Coconut oil: this has the ability to speed up metabolism and therefore can encourage production of thyroid hormones, it is also known to kill candida yeast. It is best to use organic cold-pressed coconut oil.
13. Avoid canola oil: this is found to interfere with the production of thyroid hormones.
14. Eat a natural diet: this will aid the body in healing itself and also remove the burdens placed on the immune system. Sticking to organic food whenever possible is ideal and avoiding processed foods whenever possible (such as preservatives, hydrogenated oils, white sugar, flavours, high fructose corn syrup, colours, etcetera and table salt).
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