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Re: How's your intake of macrominerals? (Mg, Ca, and Silica)
Meghill16 Views: 2,615
Published: 9 y
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Re: How's your intake of macrominerals? (Mg, Ca, and Silica)

I appreciate your suggestions and agree with a lot of your points. Much of what you have mentioned I have done already. Started coffee enemas and Liver Flushes in 2007. Have done more than I can count. Have stopped those because I feel quite clean and toxin free in that area. Digestion has been great. I did the GAPS diet on and off for over 3 years and continue to have bone broth almost daily. GAPS is really one of the best healing tools I have used to date. I've done heavy metal chelating twice. I agree about stool tests being a waste of money that's what I was just saying to myself when she mentioned me doing one- I would only do if insurance covered. I've done parasite cleanses, zappers etc. with Lyme it's a lot of infections and chaos going on at once. I've been working at this for over ten years. Some things are gone or better- fatigue and adrenal stuff is worse. I believe my body is just so taxes from all of the herxing all these years. I could be wrong. I'm on a very low carb diet right now- thinking of going back into Ketosis but wondering if my adrenals and thyroid need more carbs.


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