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Re: How's your intake of macrominerals? (Mg, Ca, and Silica)
Meghill16 Views: 2,590
Published: 9 y
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Re: How's your intake of macrominerals? (Mg, Ca, and Silica)

Thank you for the message, I really appreciate your time. I have actually been taking Epsom Salt baths almost every night with a lot of salts and I do feel bad after- they help me sleep but seem to cause my low blood pressure to drop even further and I have also been taking very high doses of magnesium glycinate before bed to help with anxiety and sleep. I tend to overdue things. I feel that it may be contributing to the fatigue and foggy head in the morning... I was taking b12, niacin, b1 and riboflavin...I just went off of them because they were too stimulating for me at this time. I eat a low carb Paleo diet high in healthy fat and green veggies. I drink salt water in the morning. I just bought some electrolyte tablets yesterday and started those. Not sure what else to do besides go off of the only supplements I am taking which are fish oil and the magnesium. I have tried calcium supplements in the recent past and feel horrible when I take calcium for some reason. I try and get it through diet.


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