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Hypothyroidism Treatment: Suggestions needed
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Published: 9 y

Hypothyroidism Treatment: Suggestions needed


One member of my family has hypothyroid. She is 72 years old, so far in reasonable health but the health conditions are getting adverse due to this disease.

We have to resort to synthetic thyroid as other things were not working. Now we plan to start taking distilled water.

Could someone guide me, what other things should a person do to manage hypothyroidism in a natural way?

Ideally, we would like her to stop dependence on synthetic thyroid. Which natural products are suggested to reduce/stop such dependence?

Any further sources/books are suggested to gain more knowledge on the causes of the disease and right treatment?

In your opinion, does naturopathy, ayurved, homeopathy work for the treatment of this disease? In case they do, then what could be the right protocol?

Kind regards


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